
Fun Facts About Sneezing That Will Shock You!

Don’t judge it as a boring topic just because it talks only about the sneeze. I’m 101% sure that it will give you guaranteed fun by the end. You might yell at me, “Knowing about a sneeze is interesting?” Yes, it is. 

Sneezing facts are just a minute part and after knowing them you will be looking for some more interesting facts about the human body. Without wasting time, let’s get on to the point and reveal some interesting facts about sneezing

Fact #1: Faster Than The Jaguar

The speed of your sneeze is almost double that of a superfast Jaguar that you might see on National Geographic or Discovery TV. A Jaguar sprints at 80 KPH (50 MPH), but your sneeze travels with a speed of 160 KPH (100 MPH).

Fact #2: Scientific Name & Reason 

The scientific name for the sneeze is Sternutation. You might think that it is just because of some activities in your nasal passage, but that’s not true. Sneezing involves body parts from the throat, chest, diaphragm, to the abdomen.

Fact #3: The Bright Light Sneeze

We all think that sneezing occurs due to nose itching or when we get in contact with dust, but there is a bright light sneeze too. Some rare people might sneeze when their eyes see a sudden bright light. Now we know that it is not just the nose, but sneezing can occur due to both nose and eyes itching.

Fact #4: Thousands Of Droplets

A single sneeze has almost 8 times more droplets as compared to a cough. The approximate count is 40000. 

Fact #5: Why Do We Say “God Bless You”?

Have you ever wondered why we say “God Bless You” when someone sneezes around you? Not only in India, but in different cultures, religions, and ethnicities, we find this salutation in a different style, why so? 

The idea behind this is that sneezing is a process that lets demons escape your body. And as per some holy texts, we seek God’s blessings for the person who sneezed and bystanders.

If we see it scientifically, then still the idea is the same. Sneeze droplets might contain pathogens that can spread infections. However, instead of some salutation, science suggests taking precautions such as wearing masks, sanitizing hands, etc. 

Fact #6: It Doesn’t Stop The Heartbeat

The biggest myth that we heard about sneezing is that it stops your heartbeat. Let’s bust this myth saying it is not true. This myth occurred because people misunderstood the fact that sneezing changes the rhythm of the heartbeat. 

Fact #7: You Can’t Sneeze While Sleeping

Different nerves are involved when you sneeze, but when it comes to sleep, some nerves are not active at that time. That is why you don’t sneeze while sleeping. 

Let’s Sn–Ease It!

I just tried to make it easy for you to understand all about the sneeze so that you can ease before you sneeze. Sneezing helps you push out the pathogens, but never forget to cover your face to ensure bystanders are at ease and safe.

Pankaj Rai

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